Many Hill Figures require whitewashing, traditionally this has been carried out using standard limewashes or white cement combinations. Both these methods are susceptible to fading due to weathering, with the latter method control over the water/cement ratio is difficult and can result in poor adhesion to the stone.
Our 'Whitener' product is based on a product called 'Lightener', developed by Dyebrick who have over 30 years experience with whitewashes and limewashes for historical brickwork.
The Dyestone Whitener formulation is modified to suit the stone or rock-base.
* For flints the silicate levels may be increased and the titanium/chalk ratio will be adjusted.
* For limestone chippings or similar aggregate toppings the lime proportion will be increased and the silicate and titanium dioxide levels adjusted.
* For rarer figures with a calcite or quartz beds the silicate levels are inceased and white calcite filler is added to the mix.